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Siblings of the CJ-3A

This section has information relating to siblings of the CJ-3A

The Evolution of Deep Water Fording and the Jeep article follows the progression of military fording systems from W.W.II through the Korean War era and beyond.

A Brief History of 1940s Waterproof Navy and Marine Corps Radio Jeeps

A few old photos of  Jeeps that rolled during testing by the U.S. Army.


A USMC waterproof radio jeep gets crated.

January 1950 Popular Science Magazine article about a Jeep that Starts Underwater. It's a 24 volt waterproof MB. Very interesting generator and voltage regulator. Thanks to Harold West for pointing out this vintage article.


See The CJV-35/U Page for information and photos about the "V-35".

Vent System Tube Specifications for CJV-35/U and M-38


Photos of a very original 1960 DJ-3A


Here is one you don't see every day. A factory photo of a DJ-6A.


M-38 Fuel Tank Venting

Description of operation and parts information about the M-38 Underwater Ventilation System. The M-38 was also factory equipped with an underwater ventilation system.

Electrical diagnostics for instrument gauges, Willys (and others) Military Vehicles.

Fuel pump diagnosis and rebuilding for CJ-3A, CJV-35/U and M38.

M-38 Pilot Models

Vent System Tube Specifications for CJV-35/U and M-38


Early M-715 distribution box turn signal wiring schematic and circuit description.

Electrical diagnostics for instrument gauges, Willys (and others) Military Vehicles.

Utility series vehicles

Electrical diagnostics for instrument gauges, 1950-1/2 to 1956 Willys Utility Vehicles.


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