Here are my ho’made V35 lift rings. They're made from off the shelf
hardware, then “clear zinc” plated; same stuff that is on the standard
1/4” bolt on the hardware shelf. Here's the progress.
Lawrence Hardware strap hinge. Just
about the right dimensions for the
upper bolt hole to Hinge-pin loop to become the lower tie-down hole to
ring receiving loop.
Straps cut to size. I used an
Ox-Acetylene cutting torch, prior to my
acquisition of a small surface grinder w/ a cut-off wheel. It would
have worked much better.
Grinding the taper onto the loop. No
machine shop here. The rings were then slid in the

Ring welded into loops. It is very easy to get the loops too tight.
This is where a little extra material could be good going in.

Marking the upper hole location. There seems to be three extra holes on
my bumper.

Filing the square corners into place on the newly drilled upper holes.
The bolts are simply hardware carriage
bolts w/ the head script sanded
off, the whole assembly is thrown in a wire cage and plated w/ “clear
zinc” (at one of the few “clear zinc” plating companies in the
area). Not too bad for an afternoons work. No, I won't build any more.
Anybody got an idea what the 3 extra holes in the rear bumper were for?