CJV-35 10257 I found my CJV
sitting next to a dumpster behind a repair shop in Meridian, MS in Nov
2001. I had been looking for a WWII era MB/GPW for a couple
when I stumbled upon this one. I called the owner and offered him
$500, he laughed, said "SOLD!" and I wished I had offered $250. I
found all the original data tags right where they should be and started
investigating what exactly was this CJV-35/U I just bought. After
learning how rare it was I decided to restore it instead of ruin it
with big wheels and a bigger motor. The progress has been slow due to
my Active Duty Navy job followed by my move to civilian life a year
ago. Now she's in her new garage, I have much more free time
(even working 26+ days a month) and am ready to get her looking like
she did in 1950. The body/tub need some major repairs. The motor
and starter are original as well as many of the minor fittings and
attachments. It has an older 'F' scripted transfer case, an M-38
windshield and a 12v gen instead of 6v.
-Dave Souza
Photos coming soon!